「Asian Mayors Forum」特別準備会1
10時から11時過ぎまで、前回イラン・イスラム共和国テヘラン市で行った「Asian Mayors Forum」準備会議事録の内容確認と、今回の「Asian Mayors Forum」特別準備会での提案内容、議題の整理を行う。
The Report of the
Meeting of the Asian Mayors Representatives
December 2-4, 2009 in Tehran
In the Name of the Most High
The First Meeting of the Asian Mayor Forum was held on 19-20 November 2008 in Tehran. 44 Mayors and Local Authorities from 89 Cities across Asia attended that meeting. The theme of the First Meeting was Asia for Citizens: Integration for Better Life. During the general debate as well as panel discussions, the participants indentified three main areas for their collaboration in the future, namely: City to City Cooperation: Best Practices and Innovative Ideas; Common Challenges to the Management of Mega Cities; and Local Governance and Public Participation. The participants decided to establish the Asian Mayors Forum as an international non-governmental organization with its permanent secretariat in Tehran. They also unanimously adopted the Tehran Declaration which outlines the main goals and objectives of the Forum and provides the general framework for its activities.
The 32 Representatives of the Asian Mayors from 21 cities met on 2-4 December 2009 in Tehran to consider two main issues as follows: deliberation on the draft charter for the Asian Mayors Forum and consideration of the agenda for the Second Meeting of the Asian Mayors.
The draft charter had been prepared and sent to the members by the Secretariat of the Forum. The Representatives of the Mayors spent extensive time through two working sessions on December 2nd to discuss and deliberate on both the structure and the wordings of the draft charter. The discussions took place in a friendly ambiance with positive interaction. In the first round of discussions, observations were made by the participants vis-à-vis the goals and purposes of the Asian Mayors Forum; the geographical span of the Forum’s membership; rotation of the Forum’s presidency; the representation of the member cities by mayors and local authorities; and the methods of assessing membership fees. Through the second round of discussions, the draft charter was presented and read article by article and was commented on by the participants.
While the general framework of the draft charter was considered as useful and acceptable by the Representatives of Asian Mayors, certain modifications and changes were made in its structure and wordings. In principle, it was agreed by consensus that the Asian Mayors Forum shall enjoy a General Assembly; three Standing Commissions with seven members each; a Board of Directors comprised of the Head of the General Assembly and the Secretaries of the three Standing Commissions plus the Secretary General; and a Treasurer. The presidency of the Asian Mayors shall be rotating among member cities while its Permanent Secretariat shall be in Tehran.
The Representatives decided by consensus to set up ad-hoc committee comprised of the Representatives of the Mayors of Tehran; Manama; Kashiwazaki; and the Union of Marmara Municipalities to incorporate the above-mentioned principles and agreements into a final draft of the charter by April 2010. The Secretariat of the Forums shall coordinate the work among the members of this ad-hoc committee and shall communicate the final draft to all members of the Forum for further consideration.
On December 3rd 2009, the Representatives of the Asian Mayors considered the agenda items for the Second Meeting of the Asian Mayors Forum. In conclusion, it was decided by consensus that the theme of the Second Meeting of the Asian Mayors Forum be “The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Asian Cities.” The distinguished Representatives also identified a number of pressing problems and issues which concern the management of Asian cities to be included by the Secretariat under the three umbrella topics, namely: City to City Cooperation: Best Practices and Innovative Ideas; Common Challenges to the Management of Mega Cities; and Local Governance and Public Participation. The agenda items for the Second Meeting of the Asian Mayors were decided to include the following:
・Adoption of the Agenda
・Election of the Bureau
・General Debate
・Adoption of the AMF Charter and the Logo
・Establishing AMF Standing Commissions
・Election of the AMF Secretary-General
・Election of Secretaries of the AMF Standing Commissions
・Date & Venue of the Next Meeting
・Final Statement
His Excellency Professor Recep Bozlagan, the distinguished Secretary-General of the Union of Municipalities of the Marmara Region generously offered to host the Second Meeting of the AMF in the city of Istanbul, Turkey. The Representatives of the Asian Mayors also decided that the first week of October 2010 is the most appropriate time for the Second Meeting of the Asian Mayors Forum.
The Participants also elected His Excellency Professor Artemio Tuquero, the Representative of the Mayor of Manila as the Rapporteur of the Meeting to present a Report on the proceedings of the Meeting in the closing ceremony.
All the Representatives of the Asian Mayors participating in the meeting expressed their appreciation for the kind and generous hospitality extended to them by the Municipality of Tehran and the Secretariat of the AMF. They were particularly thankful of Dr. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, the distinguished Mayor of Tehran and Mr. Mohammad Khodadadi, the Director of Asian Mayors Forum Secretariat.
最初にスナックコーナーで見つけたのは、「カルビー かっぱえびせん」と酷似した「おいしい」という商品。ひらがなでも「おいしい」と書いてあり、売れ筋商品のようであった。ただし中国製。
続いて、ドリンクコーナーには、なんと正真正銘の「大正製薬 リポビタンD」と「大塚製薬 オロナミンC」が堂々と置いてあった。さすが・・・、とただただ感心する。
仕事をしながら、CNNニュースを見ていると話題はイラクの選挙、そして名物女性キャスターChristiane Amanpourによる「Amanpour.」では「Iran's Nuclear Ambition」と題したイランの核兵器開発疑惑に関する特集があり、IAEAのメンバーであるイラン大使、アメリカ大使、イスラエルの防衛大臣(しかも制裁の発言まで:Israeli defense minister calls for sanctions against Iran)のインタビューなどもあり、つい見入ってしまった。
21時、ホテルのレストラン「ZYTOUN」で夕食。夕食時はブッフェスタイルではなく、アラカルトになるので、ニンニクとチリとオリーブオイルというシンプルな組み合わせの「スパゲティ Aglio Olio 3.2BD(768円)」、「ピザ Pepperoni 3BD(円)」を食べる。事務仕事中心だったので、お腹があまり減っておらず、食べ終えるのに時間がかかった。
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| 弾丸トラベラー2:バーレーン王国編
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投稿: 桑原圭美 | 2010年3月 6日 (土) 01時46分
投稿: 三井田孝欧 | 2010年3月 6日 (土) 14時43分